Prof. Dr. Sezer KOMSUOĞLU
Advisor to the PresidentCouncil of Higher Education.
Afiş Tur is the authorized travel agency that can perform the ticket transactions of the organization participants. You can do the ticket transactions of the event participants with special discounts.
You can reach Afiş Tur by phone at 444 9 894 and / or by e-mail: bilet@afistur.com.
Turkish Airlines is the official airline of “ANKOSLink2019” and special discounts are offered on certain booking classes. In order to proceed with the online booking tool for Turkish Conventions please visit the Turkish Conventions website https://www4.thy.com/TKC/app/main?language=en and use the event code “event code: 023TKH19” under delegate section.
The discount in ticket purchases will be valid if the ticketing is done as round trip. Therefore, we kindly ask you to carry out the elections in this direction.