Conference Hashtag #ANKOSLink2023

Poster Presentations

ANKOSLink2023 International Conference will be held between 20-23 November 2023 at Antalya Trendy Lara Hotel Congress Center with the main theme of “Rethinking University Libraries in the Centennial of the Republic”.

In order to increase professional and scientific sharing among ANKOS member institutions, "Poster Presentations" will continue this year at the ANKOSLink2023 International Conference.
Poster selections will be made by the “Poster Selection Committee” to be formed by the ANKOS Board of Directors from among the library managers (Universities Library Department Head/Director/Manager).

• 15 posters selected by the Poster Selection Committee will be exhibited in the poster exhibition area during the ANKOSLink 2023 International Conference.
• The “Best 3 Posters” will be selected and announced by the Poster Selection Committee among the posters that are eligible to be exhibited. In addition, a presentation of the “Best 3 Posters” will be held.
A monetary award will be given to the winners of the “Best 3 Posters” at the ANKOSLink2023 International Conference.

1. 4,000 TL
2. 3,000 TL
3. 2.000 TL

A “Certificate of Appreciation” will be given to all poster owners who are entitled to be exhibited.
Those who will participate in the competition should send their applications to between the dates specified below.
You can access the vector ANKOSLink logo here.
ANKOSLink 2023 Poster Presentation Rules
• Poster holders must be in charge of ANKOS Member institution library.
• Posters should be prepared in accordance with the following main and sub-themes of the ANKOSLink2023 International Conference.

Main Theme: Rethinking University Libraries in the Centenary of the Republic

Sub Themes:
 Effect of Artificial Intelligence on University Libraries
 Changing Education-Teaching Methods
 Persistent Identifiers and Access to Information
 Research Evaluation Systems
 Importance of Consortium Studies
 Institutional Academic Publishing
 Open Science and Open Access
 Developments in Publishing
 New Learning Platforms
 Sharing Economy and Sharing Models

• Posters can be prepared in Turkish or English, regardless of a specific template. There are poster paper template examples on the ANKOSLink2023 web page to give you an idea.
• The poster should contain the name of the study, the names of the author/authors, their titles, and the names of the institutions they work for. Posters can be prepared in .JPG or .PDF formats and should be sent in MS Word format with a description not exceeding 2 pages including the purpose of the study, the method used, the results and the evaluation sections.
• Posters should be prepared in one piece, measuring 70 x 100 cm.
• Posters that are eligible to be exhibited will be hung on the numbered boards as of 12:00 on 20 November 2023. Organization officers will assist poster owners in placing posters.
• A “Poster Session” will be held for the first 3 posters, and the winners will present their posters in this session.
• Participants who will present a poster must cover their own ANKOSLink participation costs (accommodation and transportation).
• It is the responsibility of the poster owner to print the posters and hang them before the opening of the exhibition.
Important Dates
First Announcement: 01 September 2023
Application Dates: 01 September - 25 October 2023
Evaluation of Applications: 16-27 October 2023
Announcement of Results: 6 November 2023
Poster Exhibition: 20 November 2023
Top 3 Poster Presentations: 23 November 2023

ANKOSLink 2023 Sergilenmeye Hak Kazanan Posterler