“Poster Presentations” will continue at ANKOSLink in order to increase professional and scientific sharing among ANKOS members like previous years.
ANKOSLink 2021 poster selections will be held by the “Poster Selection Committee”.
- Top 15 posters to be selected by the “Poster Selection Committee” will be exhibited in the poster area during the ANKOSLink 2021 Conference.
- The top 5 posters will be presented in a 5-minute poster session, and the "Best Poster" will be announced at the end of this session.
At the ANKOSLink 2021 International Conference, the winner of the “Best Poster” will be awarded with a tablet computer.
A Certificate of Appreciation will be given to all poster owners who are entitled to exhibit their posters.
You may access vectoral ANKOSLink logo from here on your poster.
ANKOSLink 2021 Poster Presentation Rules
- The posters, in accordance with the theme of ANKOSLink 2021 and ANKOS’s activity fields, should be prepared at the following subjects :
Open Science, Open Access and Open Data, Smart Libraries, Importance of Data Management in Research Processes, Research Universities and Research Libraries, Interoperability, Blockchain Technologies, Post-Covid-19 User Services, Applications and Solutions in Multidisciplinary Fields, Digital Solutions and New Trends, Digital Transformation and Collaboration, Crisis Management in the Digital World, Digital Equality and Access, Digital Visuality and Services, Digital User Relations and Solutions, E-Learning (Change / Awareness / Transformation / Opportunities and Threats), Next Generation Solutions, Libraries as a Service Category- Librarians, Collaboration Technologies, Collaborative Learning, Voice of the User-Librarians', Information Accessibility in the Pandemic, Distance Working Models, Distance Learning and Instructional Technologies, Metadata: Data Organization, Data Mining, Data Management Plans and Strategies, Artificial Intelligence Solutions, New Information Systems, New Knowledge Structures.
- The poster should include the title of the work, the names of the author (s), titles, the names of the institutions they work for, the purpose of the work, the method used, the results and the evaluation sections.
- Posters can be prepared in Turkish or English, regardless of a specific template. Poster presentation template examples are available in ANKOSLink 2021 web page.
- Posters should be prepared in one piece with the dimensions of 70 x 100 cm.
- Posters will be sent in jpg or pdf format to pr@ankos.org.tr e-mail address until 3 November 2021.
- Poster applications will be evaluated by “Poster Selection Committee”.
- The posters that are eligible to be exhibited will be determined until 15 November 2021 and the title holders will be informed.
- The posters entitled to be exhibited will be hung on the numbered panels on 22 November 2021 from 12:00. Organization staff will assist poster owners in placing their posters.
- “Poster Session” will be organized for the top 5 posters and these poster owners will present their posters in this session.
- Selection of the award-winning poster will be made by ANKOSLink 2021 “Poster Selection Committee”, and will be announced at the end of the session.
- Exhibitors are expected to cover ANKOSLink participation costs (accommodation and transportation) themselves.
- The responsibility of printing posters and to hanging them before the opening of exhibition belongs to poster owners.