Dr. Reiner Kallenborn
Meeting Room 1 | ||||||
15:00-17:00 | Workshop Architectures of Knowledge - Research Libraries: Setting the scene at local level towards a common Open Science cloud Mr Paolo Budroni, PhD, Head of Dpt. E-Infrastructures,Vienna University Library and Archive Services |
15:30-17:00 | Registration / Convention Center |
17:30-18:30 | Stand and Poster Session Opening / Convention Center |
09:00-09:30 | Registration / Convention Center |
09:30-10:00 | Opening Ceremony / Main Hall Tuba Akbaytürk Çanak, President, ANKOS |
10:00-10:45 | Invited Speaker / Main Hall eRIC - an unconventional IATUL approach to e-research support Dr. Reiner Kallenborn, President, IATUL |
10:45-11:15 | Stand Visits and Break |
Blue Hall | Green Hall | Orange Hall | Purple Hall | |||
11:15-11:40 | EBSCO Information Services Rosetta Stone: Bridging the Gap: Proven Strategies for Language Learning Leyna Damico |
ProQuest Alexander Street Press: Catching up Generation Z: The Power of Video Content (Music and Dance Online, Complete Counselling Therapy and AVON)
Gülçin Başal
Wolters Kluwer Ovid Training Tools for Health Sciences and Medical Students Onur Tayiz |
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Inspec Analytic and IET.tv Awni Battikhi |
11:45-12:10 | IEEE Xplore Digital Library IEEE: The Trusted Solution for Open Access Publishing
Judy H. Brady
Sage Publishing How Libraries can Support the Growth of Video in Higher Education
Mark Lord
ARSİS GRUP Books were stolen from librarıes wıth aluminıum foiled bags. Azt has the solution Ümit S. Aydın |
12:15-12:40 | Grand View Research Market research & business intelligence database for specialized/technical courses
Swayam Dash
ELSEVIER RSS Information Analytics and Global Competition in Science: “Examples of Elsevier’s support for Research Performance Analysis”
Tayfun Başal
Ex Libris How Alma puts the library at the heart of teaching, learning and research
Esther Barella
12:40-14:00 | Lunch |
Blue Hall | Green Hall | Orange Hall | Purple Hall | |||
14:00-14:25 | Wiley Transforming Societies: Digital Preservation for the Future of Research
Raymond Abruzzi
Clinical Key New medical education platform from Elsevier Atilla İkinci |
Researchsoftware.com EndNote X8: Control and oversee your research Kadir Diren |
Innovative Turkish User’s Group Innovative helping to increase libraries IMPACT in the community
Nabil Saadallah
14:30-14:55 | Gale, a Cengage company Gale Reference Complete - Kütüphaneler İçin Birincil ve İkincil Kaynaklar
Kemal Çelik
Bibliotheca Less books more Library Marco Gerritsen |
JoVE The importance of Videos in Research and Education İbrahim Selçuk |
15:00-15:25 | Wiley Building the Iron Triangle: connecting Libraries, Research and Faculty
Yelena Parada
Informascope Turcademy | Jurix | dMags - Digital Publishing Projects From Turkey Can Çelik |
Euromonitor International Academic use of Passport Market Research Database Mert Kaymakçı |
15:30-16:00 | Break |
16:00-18:00 | Panel Changing roles in academic libraries and research Chair: Prof. Dr. Şebnem Burnaz, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Istanbul Technical University Panelists: |
09:00-09:35 | Presentation / Main Hall Towards Open Science: the LIBER Strategy 2018-2022 Chair: Deniz Baltacı, Library Director, Sabancı University Speaker: Dr. Simone Sacchi, Head of International Projects, LIBER |
09:35-10:05 | Presentation / Main Hall Researchers as our North Star Judy Verses, Executive Vice President, Research at Wiley |
10:05-11:00 | Panel / Main Hall Changing Roles of Libraries Chair: Ayhan Kaygusuz, Library Director, İstanbul Şehir University Panelists Paolo Budroni, Head of Department, E-Infrastructure, Vienna University Library and Archive Services Milan Vasiljević, Manager of Electronic Resources and Licensing department, Qatar National Library |
11:00-11:30 | Break |
Blue Hall | Green Hall | Orange Hall | ||||
11:30-11:55 | Accucoms Aggregagent - Stronger together Pınar Erzin |
EBSCO Information Services New product of EBSCO, Flipster, bringing Digital Magazines to your Library ! Mehmet Can Soyulmaz |
ProQuest Academic Complete and Oasis-Last improvements on Ebooks+Print Books, Evolving Book Solutions Best for Libraries and Researchers
Esen Dağdelen
12:00-12:25 | Peter Lang Publishing At the forefront of the international stage: positioning Turkish research in the humanities and social sciences Esra Bahşi & Prof. Dr. Erol Esen |
Springer Nature Nature Masterclasses / Enhance Your Institution's Publication Performance with Nature Editors Merve Karagülle |
De Gruyter De Gruyter eJounal Collection and the new ANKOS Agreement
(Everyone who attends the presentation will have an opportunity to win one year of free access to one of our 50+ reference works and databases of your choice.)
12:25-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-14:25 | Presentation / Main Hall An Establishment Story: ANKOS Moderatör: İlkay Holt, COAR Konuşmacı: Prof. Dr. Bülent Karasözen, ODTÜ, ANKOS Founding President |
Blue Hall | Green Hall | Orange Hall | ||||
14:30-14:55 | Ingenta Connect Many leaves, one tree: providing a single source for a wide range of content Mr. Byron Russel |
Presentation 28 |
Clarivate Analytics Academic Performance Evaluations and Web of Science Indexes, New Perspectives Jamal El-Ouahi |
15:00-15:25 | EaZy Solutions JSTOR: An Overview Lauren Trimble |
EBSCO Information Services Evidence-Based Acquisition Techniques for Libraries Doğan Küsmüş |
Researchsoftware.com EndNote X8: Explore and push your creative and research boundaries Hakan Uyar |
15:30-16:00 | Seminar / Main Hall Challenges and Promises of Digital Humanities in Conducting Research in Turkey Chair: Sami Çukadar, Library Director, Istanbul Bilgi University Library and e-Resources Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Erdem Kabadayı, Department of History, Koç University |
16:00-16:30 | Break |
16:30-18:00 | Panel / Main Hall Current Research Information Systems Chair: Ertuğrul Çimen, Library Director, MEF University Panelists: |
19:30-23:00 | Gala Dinner |
09:30-10:00 | Presentation / Main Hall Best Posters Presentations Moderator: Özden Faydalıgül, Library Director, Adnan Menderes University |
10:00-11:00 | Panel / Main Hall A Full Year of the Consortium: What Did We Do? Chair: Gültekin Gürdal, Library Director, IZTECH |
11:15-11:30 | Wishes and Closing / Main Hall |
12:00-12:45 | Lunch |
“This is not like anything that I ever saw before.” This is how the British archaeologist David George Hogarth had described the Aspendos Theatre in 1909 in a paragraph which continues as follows: “You may have seen the amphitheaters in Italy, France, Dalmatia and Africa; temples in Egypt and Greece; the palaces in Crete; you may be sated with antiquity or scornful of it. But you have not seen the theatre of Aspendos.”
This description is still valid today, because the site of Aspendos houses the best preserved ancient theatre of the world. In addition, this richly decorated monument bears the traces of different historic periods including the Roman and the Seljuk periods. It was initially built during the reign of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, between 160-180 A.D. Built into a steep hillside and big enough to host 15.000 people, this vast semicircular edifice was used to stage plays in second century A.D. It’s perfect acoustics means that it is still used today for operas and ballet festivals. After visiting the amphitheater you can experience the amazing engineering of the city's high aqueduct near the Eurymedon River.
Price per Person 20.-€ (includes transfers, guide and all entrance fees)
Date: 20.04.2018 Departure from the Hotel: 10.00 Arrival at the Hotel: about 13.00
Add adrenaline to your Turkish vacation with a full-day white water rafting adventure on the Köprüçay River of the Köprülü Canyon.
Sit back and relax on the 55 kilometer scenic drive from your Hotel in Belek to Köprülü Canyon National Park.
Upon arrival at site, you will be given full equipment and a safety briefing by your rafting guide. You will then head out onto the waters of the Köprüçay River to raft the rapids of the thirteen kilometer long canyon! You will raft past steep cliffs and pine forests that are situated out of the beaten path. It is an exhilarating experience that can be enjoy both by expert rafters as well as brand new beginners. (No previous experience is needed and no swimming ability is required. Even children up 7 years old, accompanied by their parents, can join this ride) A complimentary lunch is included in the trip.
Price per Person 20.-€ (includes Transfers, professional river guides, rafting equipment and lunch)
Drinks, professionally taken photos and videos are not included in the price.
Date: 20.04.2018 Departure from the Hotel: 10.00 Arrival at the Hotel: about 16.00
On the half day sightseeing Antalya tour you will discover the natural and cultural side of Antalya. First a journey by the cable car will take you to an elevation of 605 m above sea level where you will be rewarded with amazing panoramic views. Then we will visit Kaleici, the old town which is located in the city center near the marina. The old city is one of the jewels of the Turkish coast, led your guide lead you down its cobbled lanes, admiring the wooden-balconied houses and the Roman walls.
Price per Person 20.-€ (includes transfers, guide and all entrance fees)
Date: 20.04.2018 Departure from the Hotel: 13.30 Arrival at the Hotel: about 18.00
For more information visit : www.thalestour.com