11:00 - 18:00 |
Congress Center
Registration |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Red Hall
ANKOS Prompt Engineering Workshop Trainers Gültekin GÜRDAL | IZTECH |
15:15 - 16:45 |
Red Hall
ANKOS Research Data Management Workshop Trainers Gültekin GÜRDAL | IZTECH Begüm YAVUZ | IZTECH Prof. Dr. Burçak BAŞBUĞ ERKAN | METU |
17:00 - 18:00 |
Congress Center
Stand / Poster Session Opening / Conference Center |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Congress Center
Registration |
09:30 - 11:00 |
Main Hall
Opening Ceremony İsmail ÇETİNKAYA | ANKOS President, ANKOS Prof. Dr. Mustafa Fadıl SÖZEN | Rector, Antalya Belek Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. A. Muhammed ULUDAĞ | Rector, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. Naci GÜNDOĞAN | Executive Board, Council of Higher Education (YÖK) |null |
11:00 - 11:30 |
Main Hall
Online Bilgi Understand, Analyze and Answer the Question Next Generation Discovery Tools Designed to Uncover and Utilize the Most Powerful Knowledge Ian Mithell |null |
11:35 - 12:00 |
Main Hall
Elsevier Health: Clinical Key Impact of AI on Medical Education Elizabeth MUNN | Managing Director of Global Medical Education |null |
12:00 - 13:00 |
Stand |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 14:25 |
Main Hall
LibrayTürk LibraryTürk: New Generation E-book Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence Mücahit BOZKURT | General Manager |null |
Red Hall
Clarivate Clarivate Çözümleri Kütüphane Deneyimleri | Özyeğin Üniversitesi Incites Deneyimi Web of Science & Incites Yenilikler Derya SOĞUKSU | Clarivate Senior Customer Success Consultant |
Blue Hall
IEEE Explore the World of Artificial Intelligence Through IEEE E-Book Collection Erman KARABULUT | Sales Manager |
14:30 - 14:55 |
Main Hall
Presentation 4 |
Red Hall
Clarivate Clarivate Çözümleri Kütüphane Deneyimleri | Ege Üniversitesi ProQuest Central Deneyimi Leman KOZAKÇI BAKAR | Teknik Hizmetler Şube Müdür V. ProQuest Research Asistant Katarina Krsmanovic | Clarivate Customer Success Manager Gaziantep Üniversitesi Summon Deneyimi Suat YILMAZ | Elektronik Kaynaklar Sorumlusu Summon Yapay Zeka Entegrasyonu Esen DAĞDELEN | Clarivate Senior Account Manager
Blue Hall
Elsevier Ayhan SARAÇOĞLU | Senior Sales Manager |
15:00 - 15:25 |
Main Hall
Informascope Küresel Deneyimler ve Yerel Uygulamalar: TÜRKTAV ve INFORMASCOPE İş Birliği ile Turcology - Türk Dünyası Dijital Arşivi Çiğdem ÖZBAĞ ÖREN | Vice President Assel Lakhayeva | Account Executive / TÜRKTAV |null |
Red Hall
Clarivate Clarivate Çözümleri Kütüphane Deneyimleri | Trakya Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi Ebook Central Deneyimi Esra VAROL | Elektronik Kaynaklar Sorumlusu E-book Central Yenilikler Esen DAĞDELEN | Clarivate Senior Account Manager |
Blue Hall
McGraw Hill Integrating E-Learning Resources for Lifelong Learning Maya ZARIFEH | Business Development Manager |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Break |
16:00 - 18:00 |
Main Hall
New Models in Open Access Transformation Moderator: Tuba AKBAYTÜRK ÇANAK | Library Director, Koc University Panelists: Mehmet Mirat SATOĞLU | Director, TUBITAK Dr. Ramazan TURGUT | Managing Editor, DOAJ Colleen CAMPBELL | Strategic Advisor at the Max Planck Digital Library and Coordinator of OA2020 & ESAC Initiative |
09:00 - 09:45 |
Main Hall
FAIR Research Data and AI: Challenges and Opportunities for Academic Libraries Dr. Simon HODSON | CODATA Executive Director |null |
09:50 - 10:15 |
Main Hall
EBSCO Information Services Equipping Libraries of Tomorrow with OpenAthens: The Future of Remote Access Solutions Anna Russo | OpenAthens - Senior Business Development Manager |
Red Hall
Statista Boosting Good with Data - Empowering people with data, consumer insights and sustainability Juan Mariscal | Client Success Manager |
Blue Hall
Muteferriqa Muteferriqa – Osmanlı Türkçesi Keşif Portalı C. Ozan Ceyhan | Muteferriqa Product Manager |
10:20 - 10:45 |
Main Hall
Springer Nature Subscription to Transformative: How the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM & Springer Nature Agreement Supports Free Open Access Publishing Selin ŞENCANLI | Licensing Manager, Institutional & Corporate Sales |null |
Red Hall
Researchsoftware.com / EndNote Set the Future Standards with EndNote: Drive Excellence in Your Scientific Publishing Hakan UYAR| Senior Account Manager |
Blue Hall
JoVe The Importance of Video in Research and Education Uğur SELÇUK | Senior Account Manager |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Main Hall
Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Moderator: Nur UZUN | Library Director, Gazi University Panelists: Prof. Dr. Şeref SAĞIROĞLU | Director of AI R&D Center, Gazi University Dr. Caroline FELL KURBAN | Advisor to the Rector at MEF University Dr. Metehan GÜZEL | Specialist, Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Digital Transformation Office |
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 14:25 |
Main Hall
The Institution of Engineering and Technology INSPEC - EBSCO Full Text Awni BATTIKHI | Business Development Manager MENA |null |
Red Hall
Mirakıl Veri İşleme Sustainable systems with open source software: KOHA Mehmet Faruk AKGÜL | Co-founder |
Blue Hall
Online Bilgi MyLoft ile Kütüphanem Cebimde: İçeriklere hızlı, kolay ve güvenli erişim Cansu Demirsoy |
14:30 - 14:55 |
Main Hall
Mildata Yapay Zekayı Besleyen Güvenli Veri Sorunsalı ve Mildata Mahmut BÖLÜKBAŞ | Genel Müdür |null |
Red Hall
WILEY Wiley E-Textbook Library Atilla AKBAŞ | Account Manager, Higher Education, Turkey & Northern Cyprus |
Blue Hall
EBSCO Information Services EBSCO Product Updates: AI Supported Academic Research and New Solutions Uğurcan ÖZKAN | Manager, Training Services - Central, Eastern & Southeast Europe, Central Asia & Caucasus Region |
15:00 - 15:25 |
Main Hall
Elsevier AI and Future of Research Marat FATKHULLIN | VP, Global Strategic Networks |null |
Red Hall
Birteknikel Bilişim EasyKoha: Koha'yı Daha Kolay ve Güçlü Kullanın Mümin BİR |
Blue Hall
Transleyt.com Transleyt.com ile Yapay Zeka Temelli Akademik Çeviri ve Medya İşleme Çözümleri Sadi ÖZGÜR | Founder |
15:30 - 16:10 |
Main Hall
ANKOS Artificial Intelligence Working Group Studies and University Libraries Moderator: Dr. Sami ÇUHADAR | Library and e-Resources Director, İstanbul Bilgi University Panelists: Çağatay GEZER | Lecturer, Akdeniz University Mediterranean Civilization Research Institute Alper MENEMENLİOĞLU | Specialist Librarian, Kadir Has University Cansu AÇIKALIN | Librarian, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Müberra YILMAZ | Assistant Specialist, TED University |
16:10 - 16:30 |
Break |
16:30 - 18:00 |
Main Hall
Panel |
20:30 - 23:59 |
Main Hall
Gala Night |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Main Hall
Poster Presentation 1st Poster: Akademik Kütüphanelerde Yapay Zekâ Temelli Chatbot Kullanımı: Bartın Üniversitesi Örneği Mücahit ÖZDEMİR | Bartın University
2nd Poster: Yapay Zeka ile Akademik Kütüphane Hizmetlerinde Dönüşüm: MEF Kütüphane Örnekleri Serenay BAYKARA, Neslihan ERDOĞAN, Gaye KOCATÜRK, Beyza YILDIRIM | MEF University
3rd Poster: Yapay Zeka Uygulamalarına Yazdırılan Çalışmalarda Akademik Benzerlik Tespit Problemi Emrah Karabulut, Özge Ülkü | Fatih Sultan Mehmet University |null |
09:30 - 10:10 |
Main Hall
ANKOS Working Groups Presentation ANKOS New Database Evaluation Group Studies Üstün Berk SEZGİN | Lecturer, Middle East Technical University A Delicate Point in Database Subscription Processes: License Agreements Ece TUFANYAZICI | Librarian, Istanbul Bilgi University ANKOS Academy Working Group Cem ÖZEL | Customer Services Manager, Sabancı University | null |
10:10 - 10:30 |
Hopes and Closing |
ANKOSLink2024 International Conference was a great success with wide participation in Antalya.
November 18-21, 2024, Antalya - ANKOSLink2024 International Conference brought together over 520 participants from around the world with the theme “Productive Artificial Intelligence and Academic Libraries”.
ANKOSLink2024 International Conference, which was held at Granada Luxury Belek Congress Center hosted by Antalya Belek University on November 18-21, 2024, grew by 13% compared to last year, with the participation of more than 520 participants from nearly 30 countries, nearly 250 institutions and nearly 80 different companies, the conference lasted for four days full of information sharing and interactive discussions around the main theme of “Productive Artificial Intelligence and Academic Libraries”. The conference offered valuable opportunities for participants to discuss the digital transformation of academic libraries and the role of artificial intelligence in this process.
Distinguished Speakers and Moderators
Important names also contributed to the conference. Prof. Dr. A. Muhammed ULUDAĞ, Rector of Galatasaray University, Prof. Dr. Hülya ŞIMGA, Vice Rector of Antalya Belek University, Prof. Dr. Naci GÜNDOĞAN, Member of the Executive Board of Higher Education, M. Mirat SATOĞLU, Director of ULAKBİM, Dr. Ramazan TURGUT, DOAJ Manager, Colleen CAMPBELL, Coordinator of OA2020 & ESAC Initiative, Dr. Simon HODSON, General Manager of CODATA, Prof. Dr. Şeref SAĞIROĞLU, Director of Gazi University Artificial Intelligence R&D Center, Dr. Caroline FELL KURBAN, Rector Advisor of MEF University, Dr. Metehan GÜZEL, Expert of the Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey. Dr. Şeref SAĞIROĞLU, MEF University Rector Advisor Dr. Caroline FELL KURBAN, T.R. Presidency Digital Transformation Office Specialist Dr. Metehan GÜZEL, ANKOS Artificial Intelligence Research Group Members, CSIC Director Agnes Ponsati OBIOLS, HEAL-Link Board Member Maria NTAOUNTAKI and University of Aveiro Librarian Diana SILVA contributed to the conference with valuable speeches and presentations.
Dear Moderators Ayça Aydemir Mazlumoğlu, Gültekin Gürdal, Nur Uzun, Dr. Sami Çuhadar and Tuba Akbaytürk Çanak, who contributed to the management of the sessions at ANKOSLink2024, also contributed greatly to the successful realization of the conference.
First Day Workshops and Exhibitions
The conference started with Prompt Engineering Workshop jointly conducted by Prof. Dr. Tolga Ayav, Lecturer in Computer Engineering at IZTECH, Gültekin Gürdal, Head of IZTECH Library Department and A. Şemsettin Özdermir, Software Engineer at Platomics and Research Data Management Workshop jointly conducted by Gültekin Gürdal, Head of IZTECH Library Department, Prof. Dr. Burçak Başbuğ Erkan, Lecturer at METU Department of Statistics and Begüm Yavuz, Lecturer & Data Manager at IZTECH. In these workshops, participants had the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge on the future of artificial intelligence and research data management.
The workshop was followed by the opening of the conference's stand area and poster exhibition area, where attendees were able to discover the latest innovations in the industry.
Poster Session and Awards
The poster session organized at the conference offered participants the opportunity to showcase their research and projects. Among the posters, studies that made significant contributions in their field attracted great attention. At the end of the session, the jury presented awards to the first, second and third place winners. These awards aimed to encourage the academic research of the participants and disseminate innovative projects.
You can visit the link below to access the published posters:
Panel Sessions and Speeches
During the ongoing three days, ANKOSLink2024 offered valuable sessions and panel topics to its participants. Some of the prominent topics during the conference were as follows:
- New Models in Transformation to Open Access
- FAIR Research Data and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities for Academic Libraries
- Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
- ANKOS Artificial Intelligence Group Studies and University Libraries
- Generative AI and Academic Libraries / What's Happening in SELL Countries?
- Poster Presentations
- ANKOS New Database Evaluation Group Activities
- A Sensitive Point in Database Subscription Processes: License Agreements
- ANKOS Academy Working Group
These topics were discussed by a total of 29 speakers, allowing attendees to explore the relationship between academic libraries and productive AI, the future of data management and opportunities in digital transformation. The company sessions at the conference were complemented by 25 presentations on the latest developments in the industry.
You can use the link below to access the published presentations:
Participants' Comments
Participants noted that ANKOSLink2024 not only shared information, but also provided opportunities for fruitful collaborations on academic libraries and productive artificial intelligence.
Fadime Taşçı, one of the participants, gave the following feedback about the conference:
“ANKOSLink2024 provided a great opportunity for me to gain in-depth knowledge on the digital transformation of academic libraries as well as to make new professional connections.”
ANKOSLink2024 Conference was broadcast live on TRT Antalya Regional Radio.
As the conference continued, ANKOS President İsmail Çetinkaya and ANKOS Advisory Group Member Dr. Sami Çuhadar participated in a live broadcast on TRT Antalya Regional Radio to provide information about ANKOSLink2024 Conference. In this broadcast, valuable information was shared about the importance of the event and the relationship between academic libraries and productive artificial intelligence. Participants and listeners had the opportunity to learn more about the innovative topics and future opportunities that the conference covered.
About ANKOSLink
Participants' Comments
Participants noted that ANKOSLink2024 not only shared information, but also provided opportunities for fruitful collaborations on academic libraries and productive artificial intelligence.
Fadime Taşçı, one of the participants, gave the following feedback about the conference:
“ANKOSLink2024 provided a great opportunity for me to gain in-depth knowledge on the digital transformation of academic libraries as well as to make new professional connections.”
ANKOSLink2024 Conference was broadcast live on TRT Antalya Regional Radio.
As the conference continued, ANKOS President İsmail Çetinkaya and ANKOS Advisory Group Member Dr. Sami Çuhadar participated in a live broadcast on TRT Antalya Regional Radio to provide information about ANKOSLink2024 Conference. In this broadcast, valuable information was shared about the importance of the event and the relationship between academic libraries and productive artificial intelligence. Participants and listeners had the opportunity to learn more about the innovative topics and future opportunities that the conference covered.
About ANKOSLink
ANKOSLink is an international conference organized by ANKOS (Consortium of Libraries of Anatolian Universities) that addresses important topics such as information access, digital resources, innovation and sustainability every year. This year's event, with the theme “Generative AI and Academic Libraries”, provided attendees with opportunities to explore the potential of AI in academic libraries and discuss the latest innovations in the sector.
Members of the Booth & Sponsorship, Registration & Accommodation and Public Relations Group, who made extraordinary efforts in the realization of ANKOSLink2024, working on weekdays and weekends, regardless of working hours; ANKOSLink2024 Program Committee, who made great efforts for the academic content of the conference; ANKOS Board of Directors and ANKOS Volunteers; Library Managers who support and encourage the work of these friends and our VIP sponsor Elsevier, our diamond sponsors Clarivate, Wiley, Researchsoftware, and Eazy Solutions; our gold sponsors IEEE Xplore Digital Library, LibraryTürk, F. Delbanco, Oxford University Press, Sage, Cambridge University Press, JoVE, Royal Society of Chemistry, Springer Nature, ACS Publications, EBSCO Information Services, Statista, IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology), IOP Publishing, CAS, Taylor and Francis, Online Bilgi, SOBIAD, Elsevier Health, Mildata Savunma Sanayii Ltd, Muteferriqa, LexiQmus, Akademisyen Online Database, Piri Discovery Tool, American Physical Society, McGraw Hill, Wolters Kluwer, Hiperlink, Emerald Publishing, Transleyt, MDPI AG, Palme Publishing, Informascope, De Gruyter Brill, Mirakıl Data Processing, Accucoms, intihal.net, Step Dijital; our silver sponsors Gemini Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş. and Yordam Bilişim Teknoloji A.Ş.; room card, name badge and tote bag sponsor Muteferriqa; gala sponsor Turnitin; Wi-Fi sponsor Clarivate; cardboard cup sponsor Necmettin Erbakan University Publications; technology sponsor Birteknikel Information Technologies; National/International Participant Transportation and Accommodation Sponsors Tümer Altaş Eğt. Bil. Yay. Dan. A.Ş., Legal Publishing A.Ş., PoolText; the accommodation and professional systems organization company LİNAS Organization, the booth organization company Nova Tech Fuar and its valuable employees for their support in the successful conduct of the conference.
The survey link, where opinions about our conference can be shared and suggestions for future years can be forwarded, has been shared with valuable participants.
You can visit the link to access ANKOS photo album.
Granada Luxury Belek
Belek, Cumhuriyet Cd. No:7/102, 07506 Serik/Antalya
18-21 Kasım 2024
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